
Destination Weddings in Guatemala


By: Saguzo Eventos

A Destination Wedding is the perfect choice for the people who want to make their big day a memorable experience. Destination Weddings have in recent years become accessible to more and more couples looking to add a "Special Twist" to their ceremony. Properly planned, a destination wedding can not only save you, it can also turn your wedding day into an unforgettable "mini-vacation" for you and your guests.


Why Guatemala?... Guatemala is an amazing place, and has a little bit of everything. It's beautiful, the people are friendly and there's so much to see and do. “Guatemala has more Maya ruins than its other neighboring countries and more places for ecotourism than Costa Rica. Guatemala’s privileged geographic position, political stability, natural and cultural richness and its climate of -Eternal Spring- are competitive advantages that make the country an attractive travel destination. Unlike the other Central American countries, Guatemala provides a comprehensive supply and has a large variety of high quality tourism segments, such as: archeology, colonial history and legacy, indigenous culture and communities, volcanoes, fishing, ecotourism and adventure, beaches on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts”.* It´s important to know that many couples prefer to stay somewhat close to home, to reduce airfare costs for their guest; this is perhaps why Guatemala is one of the most convenient locations for weddings.

With everything it has to offer, Guatemala is the ideal location for destination weddings.

If you want to get married in Guatemala, hire a wedding coordinator or planner from the destination. She will be knowledgeable about the local vendors, marriage procedures and destination facts that can simplify the planning process. You have to choose someone who is easily accessible, with internet access, so you don’t have to call her long-distance all the time. A weeding coordinator can personalize your wedding and incorporate local traditions or customs, which can make destination weddings more memorable.

Event Planning and Design

Phone: (502) 4013 0996
E-mail: saguzo.eventos@gmail.com
Location: Guatemala City


¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños Guatemala!!!

Himno Nacional de Guatemala

Autores: José Joaquín Palma y Rafael Álvarez Ovalle

¡Guatemala feliz…! que tus aras no profane jamás el verdugo; ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo ni tiranos que escupan tu faz.
Si mañana tu suelo sagrado lo amenaza invasión extranjera, libre al viento tu hermosa bandera a vencer o a morir llamará.


Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera a vencer o a morir llamará; que tu pueblo con ánima fiera antes muerto que esclavo será.

De tus viejas y duras cadenas tú forjaste con mano iracunda, el arado que el suelo fecunda y la espada que salva el honor.
Nuestros padres lucharon un día encendidos en patrio ardimiento, y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de amor.


Y lograron sin choque sangriento colocarte en un trono de amor, que de patria en enérgico acento dieron vida al ideal redentor.

Es tu enseña pedazo de cielo en que prende una nube su albura, y ¡ay! de aquel que con ciega locura sus colores pretenda manchar.
Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos, que veneran la paz cual presea, nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar.


Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea si defienden su tierra y su hogar, que es tan sólo el honor su alma idea y el altar de la patria su altar.

Recostada en el ande soberbio, de dos mares al ruido sonoro, bajo el ala de grana y de oro te adormeces del bello Quetzal.
Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo, paladión que proteje tu suelo; ¡ojalá que remonte su vuelo, más que el cóndor y el aguila real!


¡Ojalá que remonte su vuelo, más que el cóndor y el águila real! y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo, GUATEMALA, tu nombre inmortal!